Love them

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Angel Whispers


Talking to my angels every morning gives me a profound feeling of peace. I know that whatever difficulties come my way, I am not alone. There is help waiting for my call. My life is not perfect, but speaking with my angels has taught me to rise above whenever I can. Find that peaceful place and everything will work out just right.

Here are today’s messages:

Raphael: Sometimes the only thing you can do, is love them. Your family members are on a different path and may trip and fall. Offer a helping hand, if you can, but remember. Only they know the next step to take. Their troubles are not yours to fix. Love them, pray for them. Lift up their struggles to the divine. For the divine is waiting to help them. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: It’s a new week, a new time. Rejoice. More will be asked of you as you walk this path. There will be many new beginnings as well as many endings. Remember to lift up your vibration. Be positive! Be thankful for what you have accomplished! When life gets you down, remember you are loved. So many blessings are at your fingertips, if you will recognize them. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Look into the pool. See yourself. The ripples of the pond show movement and growth. You are constantly changing, evolving into more. Fear not! Change is a part of life. Welcome it, embrace it, use it for good. Nothing stands still. The petals of a flower open a bright face toward the sun. Then they fade and fall bearing seed to sprout again. Your journey is like that, moments of glory followed by quiet and then new life. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Let the light show you the way. Open your heart to the possibilities. Let your light shine, don’t hide it. Everyone has a light and all are needed. Your light is as important as anyone’s. Let it out. Have you forgotten how to shine? Begin with one small thought of love, of happiness. Perhaps the wind on your cheek, the sun kissing your face. One small thing to be thankful for. There it is, a spark. Now feed the flame, make it glow. Build the light until you can see it shinning out onto the world. Blessings upon you, Uriel.

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