
Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: You struggle unnecessarily. We are here to help you, please ask. Nothing is too small, or too large. Ask and you shall receive. We are waiting to hear from you. A new day is upon you. What do you wish to accomplish? What hopes and dreams are you thinking about? Invite us in to assist you. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: Life is ever changing. You are growing and learning new things. It can be exciting and it can be daunting. Breathe, do not fear, we are here. Help your fellow man, service is a fine occupation. Give someone a smile today. Make their way a little easier. You are connected, one with the whole world. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: You are at a new beginning. Imagine all the wonderful opportunities you want to come your way. New friends, new projects, a whole new world. Spread love and blessings upon the world. Smile, be joyful, have fun. Share with you family, friends, and neighbors. Look to each day with happiness in your heart. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Know who you are and what you want. Be clear, so the energy can be attracted. You create your reality. Imagine the best one you can think of to enjoy. We are with you, cheering you on, offering our assistance. Celebrate each new day! Blessings upon you, Uriel.

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