You Can Do It!

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: We can only help you when it is for your highest good. Otherwise, we would be hindering you and your growth. Inside you know what needs to be done. Trust yourself and your knowing. When you need us to hold your hand, we will be there. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: You are having a hard time connecting with me. Raise your vibration. You want to finish projects that lower your energy. That is okay. When you are finished, raise your energy again. I know you are afraid to lower your energy, that you won’t be able to raise it back up, but that is false. Your energy raises and lowers with your thoughts and feelings. Find your joy and it will raise. Dwell in sadness and it lowers. Blessings upon you Michael.

Gabriel: Hear the message! You must take responsibility for what you create. There is no school to teach you about whom you really are, a child of the divine, a co-creator with God. You must find your path on your own. We are hear to help you, to guide and guard you on the way. There will be signposts to point you in the right direction. You can do it! Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Send blessings out into the world. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. Realize that you are all one, connected in this world. What effects one, effects many. You may have one path, but that path is not alone. You will see others on the journey. We are here to help guard and guide you, as we guard and guide all those who ask for our service. Blessings upon you, Uriel.

Step into your Mastery

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: You are feeling down, that life is too hard. You must change your thoughts. It is natural to feel discombobulated during a huge change and right now you are going through many. The energies of the earth are realigning. You, as an energetic being, are reacting to the many shifts. Keep your thoughts on the prize, the upgrade to a co-creator with the divine. Let the rest of your turmoil play itself out without dwelling on it. Change is growth and you are growing. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: You are more powerful than you know. Yes, I’ve said this before, but perhaps you didn’t hear me. You are an energetic being and as such must learn to use energy to your advantage. Raise your vibrational level so that higher energies can be attracted to you. It is time to step into your mastery and claim your inheritance as a child of the divine. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Float above the storm. You are so much more than you know. There is no death, only a transition to another existence. Learn what you came to Earth to experience. Be thankful that you have this time to be here. For in our reality it is a blink of the eye and then you are back amongst us, with stories to share. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Even as you step into this new existence, you mourn the past. Why? Do not hold onto what you were when you are moving into a whole new person. The past will not serve you. Look ahead to a future that is bright and beautiful. Take the steps necessary to bring it into being. Blessings upon you, Uriel.

An Eternity

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: Things happen that you have no control over. They can be blessings or tragedies. In all cases, it is how you decide to react that defines how you will grow and shine. How can you make the situation better? How can you help the circumstances get back on a positive note? Decide on what actions you will take and call us in to assist you. We are waiting to serve. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: When you’re feeling scattered, stop and center. There is no harm in taking a time out to collect yourself. You must be in control to be of service to others and yourself. Once centered, your mind will clear, and you can think of what actions you need to take. Stop and center. It can be just a moment to breathe. Feel the air fill your lungs and then retreat. Again. Feel your feet standing on the Earth. Good. Breathe. Better? Excellent. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Hold that positive thought. Raise your vibration. You are an energetic being. Learn what that means. You attract energy similar to what you put out. Notice what energy you are emanating. Positive or negative? Happy or Sad? Yes, there are moments when you are sad, scared, and overwhelmed. Have a good cry and then release and return to a more positive place. You can do it! Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Smile. Celebrate. You are alive and that is good. Dance. Sing. Have fun. Life doesn’t always have to be serious. It can and should be joyful. Change your attitude. Look at things in a positive light. Laugh at yourself. God has given you an eternity. How will you spend it? Blessings upon you, Uriel.

Reach for the Heavens

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


I will be traveling over the next week with sporadic WIFI coverage. I hope to get the messages out, but there maybe days where that will be impossible or the messages will be late. Please bear with me. Thanks, Caryn

Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: Already you are forgetting the latest crisis and going on with your lives as if nothing happened. But don’t forget to pray for those in need. They require your loving thoughts to help them recover. Offer help if you can. Visualize them happy and healthy, their lives whole. This process will take time and then one day your vision is realized. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: “Treat others as you wish to be treated” is more than a suggestion. It is a truth that you often overlook. If you wish more compassion in your life, then give compassion to others. If you wish to be cared for more deeply, then care for others more deeply. Your life is a mirror, what is lacking is what you are refusing to give, not just to others, but to yourself as well. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Herald the good news! I am with you. I am here to be of service. Lean on me. Trust me to hold you up, for we are all connected. What benefits one will benefit all. Keep your thinking clear and your vibration high. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Raise up, pull your thoughts and vibration up to the highest levels. You will see pockets of despair, send them love. Don’t lower yourself to their level, but send them love and light to raise their vibration higher. Reach for the heavens and you will find yourself arrived. Blessings upon you, Uriel.

Rest and Recalibrate

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel Messages for today:

Raphael: Life is a gift don’t take it for granted. Be thankful and reverent about each day. There are no enemies for all are one, there is only misunderstanding. Open your eyes and see the light, the new dawn is here. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: Nothing is as it seems, everything is energy. Love is energy. You are an energetic being. Feel the different energies all around you. Choose the one that feels right for you and ride the wave. Take in as much energy as you can and then give it back to the world with your blessings. Energy must be exchanged. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Words should not be spoken lightly for they carry a vibration that goes out into the world. Are your words positive? Do they carry love and understanding? Like your thoughts, your words will affect more than just you. Be responsible for what you are putting into the world, for it will return to you. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: There is nothing wrong with resting. Only in the quiet places of your heart and mind can you hear us and your soul. If you feel unwell, rest and recalibrate your energy. Call us to heal and direct you. Be gentle with yourself. You are loved and cherished. Love and cherish yourself. Blessings upon you, Uriel.

The Light of the World

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel Messages for today:

Raphael: Share love with all creatures, for they are all a reflection of the divine. From your pets to the wild animals of the world, they too are made of the same energy as you, the energy of God the Creator. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: Recognizing the oneness of all does not mean lying down in front of a lion. It is a reminder to share unconditional love with all beings, even as you take the steps necessary to stay safe. When you send your blessings into the world, remember to bless every person, place, or thing, for all are made of the same energy. It means to show respect, gratitude, and love to everything in the world, knowing that it is made of one energy, one God. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Show your appreciation for all the blessings in your life, for that is the way more blessings can enter. Focus on the positive and you draw the positive into reality. If all you see is the negative, then only the negative will be seen. It is your choice. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Well done, good and faithful servant. If you are reading these messages then you are showing your willingness to work for a better world reality. Nothing is impossible when you accept your divine inheritance as a child of God. Create what you will. Add to the light of the world. Shine brightly. Blessings upon you, Uriel.


Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: You are a powerful being. You can command legions of angels to do your bidding. You can walk on water if that is your desire. Visualize the life you wish to lead, one without illness or disease. A life full of peace and joy. Know what you want and you can create it. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: Raise your vibration to the highest possible level. Know that you can dwell in a higher dimension, one of unconditional love and oneness. You are made of the same energy as the stars in the heavens. You shine as brightly. Accept your birthright as God’s child on Earth. It is a new day. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Fear not. It is a new day, a new age. Wondrous being, shine brightly. You are as bright as the sun in the sky. Know your worth and connection to the divine. Move into this time of ascension. Be the godling that is your birthright. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Rejoice and be glad. You’ve accomplished so much and more is coming your way. Life is good. Be at peace. Open your eyes to the beauty around you. Hear the Angels singing praises to the one. Join in the chorus, for you are blessed. Blessings upon you, Uriel.



Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: You struggle unnecessarily. We are here to help you, please ask. Nothing is too small, or too large. Ask and you shall receive. We are waiting to hear from you. A new day is upon you. What do you wish to accomplish? What hopes and dreams are you thinking about? Invite us in to assist you. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: Life is ever changing. You are growing and learning new things. It can be exciting and it can be daunting. Breathe, do not fear, we are here. Help your fellow man, service is a fine occupation. Give someone a smile today. Make their way a little easier. You are connected, one with the whole world. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: You are at a new beginning. Imagine all the wonderful opportunities you want to come your way. New friends, new projects, a whole new world. Spread love and blessings upon the world. Smile, be joyful, have fun. Share with you family, friends, and neighbors. Look to each day with happiness in your heart. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Know who you are and what you want. Be clear, so the energy can be attracted. You create your reality. Imagine the best one you can think of to enjoy. We are with you, cheering you on, offering our assistance. Celebrate each new day! Blessings upon you, Uriel.

Little Angels

Angel Feather
Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: Congratulate yourself, you are doing well. You’ve cleared the karma of your past and face the future with a clean slate. Now it is up to you to decide what comes next. Yes, the divine has a plan that you decided on before coming back to Earth. But only you can decide whether to follow that path or another. You always have choices. We are here to help you, just call and we will come. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: Life on Earth can be many things, what would you have it be? Conflict and danger are of the old Earth. The new Earth is a chance for peace and joy. But you must decide. Where do you want to dwell? This is your chance to choose. Choose wisely. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: You are a divine being, a host of the Holy Spirit. You are made of love and surrounded by love. The song lyric that says “all you need is love,” is correct. Love is all you need and all that you are. Embrace your heritage. Know who you are. Focus on love. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: You’re right in recognizing that the children are little angels that have come to dwell with you. You need to love and cherish them. Recognize the greatness of their souls. Respect their heavenly missions. Help them find and live their divine paths, for they have forgotten who they really are as you did when you entered your mother’s womb. Blessings upon you, Uriel.



Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel Messages for today:

Raphael: You find it hard to connect with us, the angelic host. We want to help. Ask us to help you and we will be there. You many not always see us, or feel us close to you, but we are here. Trust, have faith that we are near and waiting to hear from you. All you have to do is ask. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: You feel the transformations happening. You know that you are growing and becoming more than before. Fear not, we are here to help and guide you. Now is the time to step into your power. Know who you are and what you want. There is no wrong answer. When you are happy with your work and life, your vibration is high. Others feel your vibration and raise theirs to join you. This is your goal: Joy and happiness in your life. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: These messages are for all people. They will spread as time goes on. More and more will hear the good news. Joy and happiness are your birthright. Find yours and live a good life. That’s all we ever wanted for you. You are in charge of your destiny and reality. You are the creators now. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Arise! Lift your thoughts and emotions and fly high. See the world you wish for created. Know how it feels to live in peace and harmony. Discover new things, have new adventures, reach out to new people. Be free and happy. Nothing can stop you now. Use your wings and fly. Blessings upon you, Uriel.