

Picture by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: The seasons have changed and the earth moves into another year. What visions do you have for 2018? For your visions become your reality. You are co-creators with the divine. Create Heaven on Earth for all peoples. You have the power, use it wisely. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: So many of you are making New Year’s resolutions at this time. Add one for the Earth and her people. Perhaps you resolve to recycle more or grow a garden and produce some of your food. Perhaps you will give to wildlife funds that help the animals adjust to sharing a world with you. There are many causes you can take up that will help the Earth and your fellow man. Pick one. Become involved in making the world a better place. Blessing upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: The sun is shinning on a new day. Each day is a gift and should be celebrated. What wonders will you achieve today? What love will you bring to the world? Lift up your eyes and know that you are worthy and capable of making great strides in raising your awareness. You are a child of God. Blessed and Mighty! Use your power for good. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: Winter is upon you and with it comes a time of self-reflection. Did you achieve your goals last year? What goals will you try to achieve in the next year? If you are serious about what you want to achieve this is a good time to take note. But many of you have good intentions that fade away with time. If you truly want to change, or achieve something, you must focus upon it at each moment. See your projects done and feel the excitement it brings. Hold them close and don’t falter. Blessings upon you, Uriel.

Spread Joy

Picture by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: You look in the mirror and you see a woman or a man, but I say to you that your soul is both male and female. You have had many lifetimes, as both sexes, as your soul has progressed on it’s journey to return to the divine. It is time to stop this strife between the male and female. You must embrace who you are, an energetic being, a soul that is complete in it’s make-up. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: A New Year is knocking on your door. Now is the time to prepare your vision of what the New Year will hold for you. Can you see and feel the many blessings and miracles that will come your way? And what of the blessings you will shower on others? Visualize the world that you want to live in and you will create it. Know your power as a child of God. Stop being the victim and be the creator. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: A New World awaits you. One in which everything is possible. You must only visualize and have faith and you can move mountains. It is time to step into your power and inheritance as children of God. You are divine in nature and need to recognize that part of you. We wait to help you find your way. Call on us. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: So many of you want to know your life’s purpose. I say to you, that your purpose it to live your life to the fullest. Find your joy and spread it to all nations. Love you neighbor and love yourself. You know what to do in your heart. Stop searching outside yourself and sit down and delve into your being. Who else knows better than you what you came here to do? Blessings upon you, Uriel.

Christmas Season

Photo by Caryn Moya Block

Angel Whispers


Here are the Angel messages for today:

Raphael: You’ve felt the energies shifting. Now is a good time to determine what you want to accomplish next year. Not just for work, but for your personal life. What are you going to do for fun? What will you do to grow spiritually? How will you help mankind? Now is the time to ponder those questions and make a plan for 2018. Blessings upon you, Raphael.

Michael: It is the Christmas Season. If you haven’t learned of the Christ child, now is the time. Like you, he came into this world vulnerable, confused, and crying for his mother. He felt called to go on a spiritual journey and found that he was so much more than his human form. Follow in his footsteps. Know who you are, a child of God. Blessings upon you, Michael.

Gabriel: Like we did so long ago, you await the coming of Christmas. But I say to you, Christ is already here and you are already blessed. Connect with your soul and know who you really are. You are a child of God, the heir to his glory. Glory is here, waiting for you to notice. What are you waiting for? Step into your magnificence, child of God. Blessings upon you, Gabriel.

Uriel: I see your tears. There is no reason to cry. You are God’s child, a power in your own right. Joy is your birthright, not sorrow. Feel the joy waiting in your heart to burst free into the world. You shine as bright as the sun. Shine on. Share your radiance with the world. It’s not hard. Smile at your neighbor, give a gift to a child, sing a song of praise. Find joy in all you do. Blessings upon you, Uriel.